Riserva Naturale Salse di Nirano
A Moon-like Hilly Environment
The Salse di Nirano Nature Reserve covers an area of 209 hectares in the municipality of Fiorano Modenese and protects the largest and most peculiar complex of "salse" in the region and, with that of Aragona (Agrigento), they are the most important in Italy and one among the most complex in Europe. Salse di Nirano are clayey formations originating from hydrocarbon deposits and salt water getting in touch with the surface of the soil. As the salt water rises, it melts or dissolves the clay and, after reaching the surface, it forms the characteristic small mud cones through the sedimentation of the mud around the mouth. The presence of a plant characteristic of marine coast like
Puccinellia Borreri around the small mud cones, is an evidence of the existence of salt environment vegetation. A phenomenon known since ancient times and studied by famous scientists of the past, who have exalted the interest oftern very imaginative observations.